Putri Girsang is an Indonesian jewelry designer based in Brooklyn, New York. 

Putri’s early artistic inclinations in Indonesia were very clear. As a child she spent her days with her friends collecting cassava leaves from the farm to weave into necklaces. She dreamed of one day making necklaces spun into the same striking shapes. With the knowledge gained under the tutelage of prominent NYC designers, her childhood dream of spinning floral arrangements into works of gold is finally realized. 

True to form, her earlier works are a reflection of this dream. Gathering inspiration from her radiantly-dressed mother, she conceived The Heart Pendant: designated to be a love letter to her departed mother in heavenly splay. Her Female Body pendants serve as a classically venusian idol shaped in the image of Putri and her own sister. Last, but certainly not least, the symbol of her brand; the cassava leaf, is the most prominent thematic connection to her roots in Indonesia. Putri's golden cassava leaves are wearable symbols of perseverance and elegance. 

All of the designs at Putri Girsang Jewelry are hand-wrought, from production to finishing. Pieces are first sculpted into model wax from carefully etched designs. Then they are artfully crafted by Putri at her bench in her Manhattan studio. Each step of the artistic process is carried out with intention and care so as to create wearable works of love and beauty.

Contemporary beacons of inspiration for Putri’s collections include motherhood, the feminine mystique, and the journey of womanhood. Putri aims to create pieces that inspire confidence, self-love, and a celebration of the child inside. With yearly trips back to Indonesia to reconnect with the spirit of her culture, Putri hopes that each piece will surprise, and delight the wearer.